From Bills To Freedom

The Path to Renewable Energy

If one should con­duct a sur­vey of peo­ple and ask to state their pref­er­ence be­tween spend­ing their salary on bills or on buy­ing the things they like, the an­swer would be a no brainer. But then hav­ing to pay bills is due to the fact that the things we en­joy come at a cost from those who pro­vide them, be it ser­vices or goods.

A prime ex­am­ple is hav­ing to pay a high bill for power used to lav­ishly en­joy the ap­pli­ances which serve our needs for en­ter­tain­ment, cool­ing, among other things.

Maybe one can dream of a USB wal­let charger that you could plug in and charge your wal­let un­til it is filled with money, but pow­er­ing your home or of­fice with so­lar en­ergy is a dream come true. Ja­maica is blessed with the sun­light we get for free, just only the equip­ment and ser­vice are not nearly free.

Stand­ing out as THE sup­plier for so­lar sys­tems IS­RAT­ECH of­fers en­ergy so­lu­tions for Light­ing, Pumps, Water Heat­ing and more, so­lar powered for re­duced en­ergy bills.

So don’t just dream of So­lar, call IS­RAT­ECH to­day. And a USB wal­let charger be­ing patent-able…we’ll see.

Chromagen Solar Water installed and supplied by Isratech Energy Solutions at University of the West Indies